Contents: I HOW THINGS CAME INTO BEING The Wind How the Clouds Came Into Being The Sun, the Moon and the Stars Why Does the Forest Rustle? How Mice and Cats Were Created II THE EARTH SPIRITS The Herdsboy's Luck The Farmer Who Was Looking For a Fern Blossom The Family Keeper The Blood of Seven Brothers The Northern Lights Father Frost's Revenge Three Guests of the Merry Farmhand III KRATTS AND PUUKS The Cottager and the Squall The Poor Farmer and the Honest Kratt The Witch's Children The Kratt's Mishap The Thieving Tont and the Honest Tont IV CLEVERNESS AND SKILLSThe Wind Shifter The Knots of Wind The Plague with a Wooden Leg The Malaria's Mishap V THE RICH MASTER The Jackdaw The Baron's Ride to Hell The Poor Beggar and the Stingy Woman The Kind Woman and the Mean Woman A Farmhand Employed as a Dog The Stingy Brother and the Generous Brother The Rich Man Threshes Grain The Luck
Contents: I HOW THINGS CAME INTO BEING The Wind How the Clouds Came Into Being The Sun, the Moon and the Stars Why Does the Forest Rustle? How Mice and Cats Were Created II THE EARTH SPIRITS The Herdsboy's Luck The Farmer Who Was Looking For a Fern Blossom The Family Keeper The Blood of Seven Brothers The Northern Lights Father Frost's Revenge Three Guests of the Merry Farmhand III KRATTS AND PUUKS The Cottager and the Squall The Poor Farmer and the Honest Kratt The Witch's Children The Kratt's Mishap The Thieving Tont and the Honest Tont IV CLEVERNESS AND SKILLSThe Wind Shifter The Knots of Wind The Plague with a Wooden Leg The Malaria's Mishap V THE RICH MASTER The Jackdaw The Baron's Ride to Hell The Poor Beggar and the Stingy Woman The Kind Woman and the Mean Woman A Farmhand Employed as a Dog The Stingy Brother and the Generous Brother The Rich Man Threshes Grain The Luck
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product Fairytales rahvaluule ja muinasjutud491210Contents: <br /><b>I <br />HOW THINGS CAME INTO BEING</b> <li /> The Wind <li /> How the Clouds Came Into Being <li /> The Sun, the Moon and the Stars <li /> Why Does the Forest Rustle? <li /> How Mice and Cats Were Created <br /><b>II <br />THE EARTH SPIRITS</b> <li /> The Herdsboy's Luck <li /> The Farmer Who Was Looking For a Fern Blossom <li /> The Family Keeper <li /> The Blood of Seven Brothers <li /> The Northern Lights <li /> Father Frost's Revenge <li /> Three Guests of the Merry Farmhand <br /><b>III <br />KRATTS AND PUUKS</b> <li /> The Cottager and the Squall <li /> The Poor Farmer and the Honest Kratt <li /> The Witch's Children <li /> The Kratt's Mishap <li /> The Thieving Tont and the Honest Tont <br /><b>IV <br />CLEVERNESS AND SKILLS</b>The Wind Shifter <li /> The Knots of Wind <li /> The Plague with a Wooden Leg <li /> The Malaria's Mishap <br /><b>V <br />THE RICH MASTER</b> <li /> The Jackdaw <li /> The Baron's Ride to Hell <li /> The Poor Beggar and the Stingy Woman <li /> The Kind Woman and the Mean Woman <li /> A Farmhand Employed as a Dog <li /> The Stingy Brother and the Generous Brother <li /> The Rich Man Threshes Grain <li /> The Luck Contents: <br /><b>I <br />HOW THINGS CAME INTO BEING</b> <li /> The Wind <li /> How the Clouds Came Into Being <li /> The Sun, the Moon and the Stars <li /> Why Does the Forest Rustle? <li /> How Mice and Cats Were Created <br /><b>II <br />THE EARTH SPIRITS</b> <li /> The Herdsboy's Luck <li /> The Farmer Who Was Looking For a Fern Blossom <li /> The Family Keeper <li /> The Blood of Seven Brothers <li /> The Northern Lights <li /> Father Frost's Revenge <li /> Three Guests of the Merry Farmhand <br /><b>III <br />KRATTS AND PUUKS</b> <li /> The Cottager and the Squall <li /> The Poor Farmer and the Honest Kratt <li /> The Witch's Children <li /> The Kratt's Mishap <li /> The Thieving Tont and the Honest Tont <br /><b>IV <br />CLEVERNESS AND SKILLS</b>The Wind Shifter <li /> The Knots of Wind <li /> The Plague with a Wooden Leg <li /> The Malaria's Mishap <br /><b>V <br />THE RICH MASTER</b> <li /> The Jackdaw <li /> The Baron's Ride to Hell <li /> The Poor Beggar and the Stingy Woman <li /> The Kind Woman and the Mean Woman <li /> A Farmhand Employed as a Dog <li /> The Stingy Brother and the Generous Brother <li /> The Rich Man Threshes Grain <li /> The Luck